First off, my apologies for the delay in getting this report out to you guys but I was holding off a bit on this one hoping that the fishing would have improved during the latter part of July so as to be able to report on a little more exciting action as we have come to expect during this time of year, especially with the bigger Roosterfish from the beach. Sadly that was not to be & all in all I would have to say that from my experience the surf fishing this summer has been pretty tough going as compared to previous years but hey, who said catching Roosterfish was ever easy!! Definitely just a real privilege to be able to chase these magnificent fish in the surf trying everything you can to get them to hit your lure. As usual, I concentrated most of my fishing during July on the ‘Desaladora’ beach on the Pacific side which is always a really hot spot for big Roosters at this time of year. The water was definitely colder than usual on that side during the first couple of weeks with conditions being further complicated by some big swell that came through quite regularly due to a number of tropical storm systems coming up from the south and veering off to the west of Baja. Around the middle of the month the water definitely warmed up a lot on that side & we started seeing big schools of mullet which is always a great sign. The Roosters & Jacks were definitely there and especially during the late afternoons & at sunset you could see them feeding but from my experience, the Roosters were just not there in the numbers or as active as I have seen them in past seasons. During the course of the month, I did see & hear of a few good fish being hooked & landed. Some were hooked on live bait because they have just been so focused on the mullet & not too interested in the lures we have been throwing at them. This is definitely something I have noticed especially as the season progresses & to have the best chance of hooking up, you literally have to get your lure in front of their noses in those final crucial moments as they are chasing down a mullet right up to the beach. I don’t know about you, but invariably that moment you’ve been waiting for happens just after you’ve launched your lure or are looking the other way…that’s Rooster fishing for you!! Anyway, a tough season but you never know what these next couple of weeks might bring before the mullet schools are truly gone until next year. Some of the highlights for me this last month were some big Jack Crevalle on the popper & definitely my biggest Needlefish (see gallery), a monster which I hooked on a 3Oz GT ice cream. Not a target species for sure but pretty awesome to have landed one that size as most times they just strike but don’t get hooked because of their long beak like jaws or they cut you off due to their gnarly teeth. Anyway guys, that’s all from me from Los Cabos for now…tight lines & I look forward to reporting back to you soon.